21 March 2007

counting down

We are in Palacios today with the first load of provisions and household effects. We have a tentative date of departure: the last weekend of the month (31st?). The boat looks great. The lights work, new screens, the quarterberth cusion fits, etc.

Tomorrow Tom will finish wiring and I will start stowing the canned goods and books on board. I am putting rubber grip mat on the bottom of the lockers and shelves to minimize condensation. We have new screens in the hatches (Thanks Jim) and a fan in the quarter berth. With the new bulkhead at the aft end, it's still a little dark and stuffy but Tom will either drill holes or put in a piece of hardware cloth. The hardwood floor looks really good, much better than the cheap carpet we had put in the sole beforehand. I'll be dividing up the clothing lockers so everyone will have enough space.

Here are a few shots of a pelican who was swimming in and out of every slip. I think he was looking for food. There are flying fish who sail a couple of feet out of the water, but I have not been able to capture one on camera.

Just a note to anyone who is driving between Austin and Palacios, the best places to stop are Hruska's in (?La Grange?) and Buc-EEs in El Campo. The bathrooms are very high tech and clean.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Dana,

I just log on to your blog for the first time today. I really enjoyed reading yours as well as the boys comments. Sounds like all is going well. We will see you guys on Sunday at Moms.


3/23/2007 1:28 pm  

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