28 January 2007

The mystery of the lost head

Well the work on the boat continues the water system is in and the painting has begun. Dana painted the first coat of primer in the V berth and head. To facilitate cleaning and painting I removed the toilet and put it in the cockpit. While cleaning up to leave the boat and go home I decided to put the toilet in the lazaratte. After opening up the lazaratte I realized that it was not going to fit so I quickly decided to take it home, clean it up and rebuild the toilet. I picked up the toilet in the cockpit and started to step up on to the deck. I got off center lost my balance and stepped backwards into the lazaratte which I had left open. Launching the toilet into the air and over the side of the boat where it sank like a rock. The only injury was to my pride. I will try and fish it out on our next trip. Dana wandered if this was my way of getting a new toilet.



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