02 July 2009

meanwhile, back in reality...

Once again time has gone by without any more posts. So what happened in Delaware? We rented a house in Lewes for a year while looking for our dream home. Tom worked at PATS as an avionics supervisor and David enrolled at the local public elementary school. We joined the UU church. Oliver and Arthur continued school at home and I started going to draw in Rehoboth again. Our realtor Bill must have showed us every house in southern Delaware and we made three offers, but they all fell through in some way or other. After the third one we made the decision to go back to Texas. Being near the family was too important and we never found another Elm Street. Tom took an AutoCAD class in Baltimore with the idea of going into engineering.

As I write this we have been back for over a year now. Shame on me for not posting at all.

The thing we miss most about Delaware is the same thing we missed in Texas and Colorado when we left. Our friends. If we could somehow have you all down the street from us at once, we would.

Tom has been working at ASM in Georgetown as an avionics engineer. He likes the work and the people are great. David spent his sixth grade year at Forbes Middle School. He is still playing piano. Arthur was in four or five plays and takes fencing. Oliver is learning the drums.

I will be starting a new blog soon about the remodeling work we've done to the house. It keeps us busy. Check back for a link.
