13 October 2006

How Hagrid Got Fluffy

This is my story about how Hagrid got Fluffy. Hagrid and Dumbledore are owned by J.K. Rowling but Tikatif is not.



Hagrid got Fluffy before Harry came to school. He wanted a dog but he already had Fang. He wanted two dogs. He wanted a specific dog -- a three headed dog -- because she was so neat and so interesting.

He ran across her in Diagon Alley. It was a busy day. Lots of people at the stores. Hagrid was going shopping for Hogwarts school supplies. That's where Dumbledore got the vase that Harry fell into -- the pensieve.

Hagrid was going with a bag full of wizard coins, and then Hagrid headed to the place where he got the pensieve. He was coming out of the pensieve store and then it wasn't as busy as before. He was in there for a short time.

A man was standing right in front of the store. The guy had a hood, like Hagrid told Hermione and Ron. He was sitting on the side of the road. He had Fluffy but she was a baby. She was as small as a puppy -- not any bigger than a jar.
"Hi, I'm selleeng thees dog."

Hagrid said, "A dog?"

The hooded guy was called Tikatif and he was from France. He spoke in a calm voice and pronounced his name "teek-a-teef". Hagrid could only see his hands. Tikatif said, "I only know a leetle bit of Eengleesh." and told Hagrid that he just had his first lesson of English this day.

Hagrid said, "How many heads does Fluffy have?" He didn't know because Fluffy was in a cage. You couldn't see through the wall of the cage but there was some light.

Tikatif said that the dog had three heads and Hagrid said that he'll take Fluffy. Tikatif said, "Eet weel be three galleons, please. One for each head."

Tikatif gave him Fluffy in the box. And then Hagrid said "bye" to Tikatif. Hagrid felt like he was going to get Fluffy a new cage. He liked her and he would take good care of her.

Tikatif yelled to Hagrid "good bye good bye good bye --- and mu-seek quiets her down."

And Hagrid bought a cage for Fluffy. Hagrid looked at all the cages and saw the one he wanted. it was an oval shaped cage. He wanted to get a leash for Fang and a collar. Hagrid goes to the counter and he gives the person the money. Because he has some money left over from buying the pensieve. And he also bought a food bowl for Fluffy.

The store was a pet shop, and it was called "The Three Creators" because there were only three people who worked there. Hagrid talked to Sammy the Creator. He looked like the person in the Knight bus (Stan Shunpike). That is because Stan Shunpike was his brother. Sammy was a young guy. He had a kind of round face, and he had three pimples on his forehead. He had straight hands and regular shaped teeth. He had thick blondish-brown hair.

Hagrid asked Sammy Shunpike "Aren't you the ticket taker of the Hogwarts Express?"

Sammy said, "I used to be, but I got fired. I accidentally didn't take three tickets. So they casted a spell that made me have three pimples on my forehead."

Hagrid said "Wow." Hagrid paid Sammy Shunpike his leftover money and he set off back to his hut.
He fell into a ditch in Diagon Alley. It looked like sand but it wasn't really. There was a hole under the sand. There was sand everywhere else on Diagon Alley but there had to be a disguise. Mad-Eye Moody had set a trap to catch a thief who stole from Gringotts.

There was wood underneath that made Hagrid stuck. That was making more wood and more wood and more wood come. There were a few bits of wood, and it just made more wood, and it covered and made his legs struggle. And his legs were at the very bottom. But he got himself out. Because the ditch was too short and his legs were tall.

He used a portkey to get back to Hogwarts. It was a portkey that muggles wouldn't think was something. It was a tire. Hagrid touched it, and waited for ten minutes to be over, and he was right in front of his doorway.

He went into his cabin, to show Fluffy to Fang. And that's how Fang made friends with Fluffy.

Hagrid went to Dumbledore's office and gave Dumbledore the pensieve. They talked. Hagrid told Dumbledore that he got a new dog, and he said that Fang and Fluffy liked each other. And then he went back to his hut. And then it was nighttime.

So he got into bed and then he had gone to sleep.




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