24 September 2006

some ideas before we go

A random assortment of thoughts... hopefully we can answer these questions...

We have a stovetop oven which I need to learn how to use. We eat so much bread I'm going to have to bite the bullet and learn how to bake bread from scratch. I've been spoiled by the bread maker.

Internet connection -- can we really download internet with the cell phone? Is it feasible to try to pick up WiFi where we are, maybe if we boost the strength of the Airport card? I want something really easy because we are pretty dependent on regular information...

Pressure water would be nice, but can wait. Proper drainage even more so. We're going to try to set things up before we go.
The essentials, before we go, will be a proper haul out and bottom job (it's been years). We plan to paint the moldy interior while on the hard, and do any checking that needs to be done at the time. There are some drainage issues which can hopefully be addressed as well.

Oh yes, since we painted the boat in 99 we have never put the name back on the stern. Laziness. Won't do to be cruising the coastal waters as the mystery ship. The homeland security folks might think we are pirates or something.

We need mattresses for the 1/4 berth (since it will be the kids' cabin) and v-berth (the old foam triangles don't really fit properly and the covers are about to disintegrate.

Lifeline netting. We have a 2 year old. Enough said.

Little things: Securing all dangerous items onboard from Monsieur Disastre. Hooking up the kitchen sink and buying some plastic tubs to aid in dishwashing. Blocking kiddo access to the nether regions of the boat where the spare anchors and fuel tank reside.

Other little things: Finishing the projects at home, and stowing everything below decks, so we can leave the S/V Slanty Shanty at the marina. Where will we leave the car? How will we break the news?

How will I convince everyone to stop getting their clothes dirty? It will be a long way to the washing machine. Better to encourage the wearing of nylon and silk over denim and leather. I might want to find some really thin towels. How will we shower?

Im trying to pare our school materials down as small as possible. Maybe buy and sell cheap paperbacks? Mail stuff home once a month? We didn't too well with that last year though. I suppose we should set up some sort of snail mail forwarding.



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